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E-Sun TS69 测量(建筑/工程)工具 功能简介
家用金属探测器系列 [可测金属、线缆、木材、木材水份]
TS69 is an advanced detector with multifunction. It can
detect and locate metal, AC voltage, stud, and measure
moisture content of woodiness-cellulose substance and bamboo product, wood product, Chinese traditional medicine, etc. It can be used in construction, fitment, etc.
·Stud mode: Wood object 3 X 2.5cm (depth≤20mm)
·Metal mode: A coin of 25-cent (USD) (depth≤20mm)
·Voltage mode: AC 100V electric wire (depth≤40mm)
AC 220V electric wire (depth≤55mm)
·Moisture content:8%~22%
·Operation condition: -7~40°C below 75% RH
·Storage condition: -20~50°C below 85% RH
·Battery: 6F22, 9V
·Dimension: 159(L)X 60(W) X 26(T)mm
·Weight: about 148g ( including battery)