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- 产品详情
E-Sun EM422 测量(建筑/工程)工具 功能简介
The transmitter is a compact, hand-held instrument designed to generrate a distinct tone in any unenergizd wire or cable. This tone can be piked up with the 6 in 1 Tracker receiver. An LED acts as a visual indicator to show that the unit is on.
·Telephone Lines
·Coaxial Cables
·DC Automotive Wires
·Unenergized Electrical Wires
·Slim Ergonomic Receiver Receptor
·4 in 1 Transmitter
·Generates distinct tone usable for wire and cable tracing
·Direct connection to RJ-11 and co-axial jacks, automotive fuse sockets, and exposed, unenergized wires.