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E-Sun ES041A 专用(环境测试)仪表 功能简介
This Mobile Telephone Jammer is a product with high technology. It can disable mobile telephones in the specified range and produce a blocking mask
automatically.It can be used widely in dangerous site,professional site banning noise, common site banning noise,
anti-microwave site, secret site, working site where mobile telephones are banned. When the unit works,
the mobile telephones in the blockong area can not receive and send any signal.
n many cities, CDMA, GSM, PCS and PHS systems cover
the same area. We use advanced blocking technology to
disable the mobile telephone in the blocking area of 3 to
50 meters. According to the 4 systems mentioned above,
this unit has several blocking frequency segments:
869MHx~894Mhz, 925MHz~960MHz, 1900MHz~1990MHz,
1805MHz~1880MHz, etc. It gers the blocking frequency
by the technology of octave, frequency division, frequency
hopping and filtering. You can build a global blocking space
of 3~100m diameter according to the power of the Mobile
Telephone Jammer to disable the mobile telephones in this
global space.