- Simulation and Analysis of Air Distribution in the T...
- This paper simulates air distribution in the SPF laboratory animal room at the statuses of empty, tr
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- Simulation and Analysis of Airflow Model in Sickroom...
- The characteristics of indoor airflow distribution determine the movement performance of the minute
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- Numerical visualization of mass and heat transport f...
- The method of numerical visualization of mass and heat transport for convective heat transfer by str
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- The paper deals with the numerical modeling and on-site measurements of the thermal conditions in th
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- In order to assess the efficiency of pollutant elimination in a pilot scale clean room, a numerical
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- Natural ventilation in buildings: measurement in a w...
- Natural ventilation in buildings can create a comfortable and healthy indoor environment, and can sa
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- Performance of coupled building ...
- The integration of building energy simulation (ES) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) programs c
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- Realistic Chemistry in Large Scale Numerical Simulat...
- The primary objectives of this work are to implement ”realistic” chemical kinetics in large scale nu
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- On approaches to couple energy simulation and comput...
- Energy simulation (ES) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can play an important role in building
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- Numerical Investigations of Forced Laminar and Turbu...
- The effect of high amplitude forcing on laminar and turbulent wall jets over a heated flat plate is
- 发稿时间:2012-02-28 17:29
- 推荐阅读
- 制冷空调绿色设计技...
- 科学技术的发展,空调等制冷产品在生活中被广泛应用,但是,科学技术的发展也带来了环境的污染,臭氧层破坏、全球变暖等一系列
- 发稿时间:2015-07-23 10:30
- 空调缺氟的判定方法
- 如何判断空调缺氟?下面空调维修的师傅为大家介绍。1、试:空调正常开启一段时间后,吹到身上的风感到很凉,并能很快达到设定
- 发稿时间:2015-03-27 13:37
- 静电净化器伏—安特...
- 静电净化器的净化性能与其伏-安特性密切相关。通过实测典型结构的静电净化器模型的电气参数,分析了静电净化器结构参数的变化对其伏-安特性的影响。研究表明,净化器断面风速对伏-安特性的影响可以忽略;电晕线半
- 发稿时间:2015-03-10 00:08
- 空气中负离子浓度对...
- 空气过滤净化器能够提高建筑空气品质,在越来越多的建筑安装了空气过滤器。因此,有必要对过滤器捕集效率的影响因素进行讨论。本文通过实验的方法,分析了空气中负离子浓度与过滤器捕集效率的关系。实验结果表明,空
- 发稿时间:2015-03-10 00:07
- 含湿量对黑粘土颗粒...
- 现代装修及区域环境的破坏,使得甲醛等有机物经常与区域颗粒(粘土)在室内空气中同时存在。吸附了有害气体的颗粒物对室内人员的危害更大。本文搭建了颗粒物吸附实验台,实验研究了空气含湿量对中国东北某区域黑土颗
- 发稿时间:2015-03-10 00:07